Become a member
By joining the European-wide network of more than 4,000 youth information services, members can expand their reach, and impact a wider audience of young people.
Membership criteria
ERYICA exists and operates through its member organisations. Through them, and the local and regional youth information centres and services that are part of their national networks, we provide information on a wide range of topics to millions of young people each year.
The only ERYICA entity that is not part of one of its member organisations is the Secretariat. Therefore, ERYICA does not have individual members, but organisations that provide information to young people or coordinate and support the local and regional bodies that inform young people, in accordance with the principles of the European Youth Information Charter. Each organisation admitted as a Member of ERYICA pays an annual membership fee.
There are two categories of membership: Member and Affiliated Organisation. The status of Cooperating Organisation can be given to individual organisations involved in youth information and counselling work. For each category, the Governing Board examines a written request from the candidate organisation.
If you are interested in joining the network, please fill out the form.