European Youth Information Quality Label

The European Youth Information Quality Label is a visible sign that certifies that the information has been verified and is reliable. It is awarded to youth information organisations that meet certain criteria.

The European Youth Information Quality Label was developed in the 2019-2020 Council of Europe – ERYICA partnership agreement, to assist young people in finding quality information, in accordance to the European Youth Information Charter.

The Quality Label has been designed together with young people and is linked to a series of quality assessment standards, mechanisms and tools. It's available for public or private non-profit organisations providing youth information services in Council of Europe countries.

Applicants must become signatories of the European Youth Information Charter and fulfil at least 70% of the criteria. Once awarded, the coordinating structures are qualified to label the youth information services within their network. The Label is awarded for 3 years, after which a review must take place.

This project has been developed in the framework of the Partnership Agreement between the Council of Europe and the European Youth Information and Counselling Agency. The opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of the Council of Europe.


why apply?

To increase recognition of quality standards within and outside the youth information sector.

To make young people aware of certain information standards.

To increase young people's awareness of youth information providers in your country/region.

To help youth information providers become better known in your country/region.

To share good practice and foster cooperation.

To implement the European Youth Information Charter.

To strengthen youth information work on an international level.

To acknowledge the effort of youth information workers.

To create awareness of national policies.

Apply for the European YI Quality Label

There are two deadlines each year for new applications: 1 April and 31 October.
To apply, please get in touch with the ERYICA Secretariat

with the support of