My social rights - Mes droits sociaux (Copy)


« My social rights » - Mes droits sociaux


In times of crisis, the need for (financial) support from society is more needed than ever; which is precisely what social security aims to do. However, social security is not easy to understand and young people struggle to grasp what they are entitled to. Therefore, we decided to create a tool that would clarify social rights for young people.

The tool takes the form of a website ( on which people can learn about :

  • Family allowances;

  • Unemployment rights;

  • Healthcare;

  • Welfare.

The aim is for people to find the information they need, whatever their situation (student, worker, unemployed, etc.). Here are a few examples of what can be found on our website:

  •  A university student working as a student can find information about the impact of his/her job on family allowances. 

  • A person who is unemployed can learn about financial aid he/she is entitled to. 

  • A student who finishes school can find information about post-study steps.  

  • A worker can find out what happens if his/her work contract comes to an end.

  • A young person becoming parent can identify what he/she is entitled to in terms of maternity leave.

Other than the website, this project also takes the form of postal cards and posters that can be found in Infor Jeunes Centers, all throughout Wallonia.

Want to know more about this project? Feel free to ask Camille Donner, legal advisor at Fédération Infor Jeunes: | 081 980 816





Sessions on Educational Guidance: “Coslada Guides 2021”