Building the ERYICA Ibero-Insular youth ambassadors network


Building the ERYICA Ibero-Insular youth ambassadors network


On 15 April, more than 250 youth ambassadors from Spain and Portugal gathered online during the first Ibero-Insular Youth Ambassadors Meeting! The event brought together young people from different backgrounds and ages who put together all their knowledge, experience and good practices. It was an incredible opportunity to e-meet young people from every corner of Portugal and Spain and to start building a youth ambassadors network within the territory.

Javier Rojo is one of the youth ambassadors that attended the event. He is from Alcobendas, a municipality of Madrid. In the following lines you will find his testimonial about the work of youth ambassadors in his region.

Alcobendas is a municipality that offers different opportunities and resources to young people. However, a big part of these resources centralised in the Youth Center Imagina, is entirely ignored by the very same youngsters to whom they are aimed.

The Youth ambassadors team of Imagina, comes into existence under the umbrella of ERYICA (European Youth and Information Counseling Agency) to transmit and bring all these channels, services and rights to other young people of Alcobendas and bring an accurate picture of the situation to the institutions. The idea is that the information when it comes from a peer, is better comprehended. 

In one of the last collective actions, the team did a series of interviews during a week through IG to the different departments of Imagina (psychological, legal, sexuality, etc.).

It is an easily accessible and free of charge service, but the majority of young people are not aware of it.  

The team also joined the Ibero-insular youth ambassadors meeting. This get-together set a context, a family to whom we belong and to whom we hope to contribute more and more every time. New challenges are waiting for us henceforward, but nothing can stop it once the wheel starts to move. We wish to do our bit and contribute to the life of the youngsters of Alcobendas”.


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