Empowering Youth at IBJOVE's Ambassadeurs Cam


Empowering Youth at IBJOVE's Ambassadeurs Cam

More than 80 young people between the ages of 12 and 18 participated last June 8 and 9 in the Ambassadeurs' Camp organised by the Balearic Youth Institute (IBJOVE), in collaboration with Punt Jove de Ciutadella, Youth Information Center in Sóller, Youth Center in Capdepera, Youth Information Center in Marratxí and the Municipal Youth Center in Esporles, in the La Victòria camp.

The Ambassadeurs program is an IBJOVE initiative that aims to get young people to participate in the information process, enhancing their critical spirit, informational skills, and healthy use of ICT. To this end, a network of young youth information ambassadors has been created who are references for their colleagues in the search for valid information for decision-making and improving opportunities.

More than 80 young people from Ciutadella, Sóller, Capdepera, Marratxí, Esporles, and Santa Maria collaborate with the information services and youth centres of their municipalities to boost the information and activities they carry out and create their own projects.

They first receive basic training in informational skills, and at the end of the project they have the opportunity to participate in the camp as a recognition for their dedication. During the camp, the completed projects were presented, a logo competition for the network of correspondents was held, and playful and dynamic activities to strengthen the group's bonds.

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