Eurodesk survey report is here!


Eurodesk survey report is here!


The Eurodesk Survey is a multilingual European-wide survey published by Eurodesk Brussels Link. A questionnaire is developed and translated by the Eurodesk Network and then shared with young people all over Europe, through their network of multipliers, through collaborations with key stakeholders and partners, and through online channels.

The Eurodesk Survey aims to gather the experiences and opinions of young people and adults from 15 to over 30 years old. It researches different aspects related to youth information and learning mobility, targeting both mobile and non-mobile youth. It looks at the experiences young people have when searching for mobility information, which sources they prefer and how they would like to be approached. It looks at the obstacles and benefits of learning mobility, and asks young people for suggestions of how youth information on mobility opportunities can improve.

In comparison to the previous edition of the Eurodesk Survey, this publication goes deeper into the respondents’ experience engaging with information. It looks at areas such as information fatigue, trustworthy sources and where they prefer searching and receiving information. It continues by asking the respondents about the characteristics of the information they engage with, whether it is youth-friendly, inspiring and clear.

Also, the survey looks at the aspects of guidance and how youth information practices can be improved to better support young people with information about learning mobility opportunities. We ask whether they believe youth information services would be valuable in their region, what kind of services they wish to receive and suggestions to improve the field of youth information. 

You can read the full report of the 2019 survey here.


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