Fast Money? Facts about financial traps


Fast Money? Facts about financial traps


"Schnelles Geld? Fakten zu Finanzfallen" is a campaign of the Austrian Youth Information Services

It takes place from 18 to 29  October 2021, as part of the Austrian Week of Media Literacy and the UNESCO Global Media and Information Literacy Week 2021 

To earn a lot of money quickly, as easily as possible - that's what not only many young people want. We are surrounded by promises of how this goal can be achieved. But what is really behind the offers and promises? As part of our campaign "Fast money? Facts about financial traps", we have offered the most important facts and reality checks on the following topics: 

  • "Dream job" Influencer - Get rich with Tik Tok and Instagram?

  • Cryptocurrency - Fast money with Bitcoin, Ethereum & Doge?

  • Consumer loans - Never wait for luxury again?

  • Trading - With trading & co. to the big money?

  • Network-marketing and pyramid schemes – No work and lots of money?

The campaign includes a social media campaign via our channels. In addition, the campaign’s materials are accessible online and in the Austrian Youth Information Centres and an Open Education Resource for teachers and other people working with youth (from the age of 14). 


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