Jugend.info - A new TikTok channel of the Austrian Youth Information Services!


Jugend.info - A new TikTok channel of the Austrian Youth Information Services!

The new TikTok channel "jugend.info" of the Austrian Youth Information Services was launched in the beginning of March 2024. The videos posted deal with key topics that young people encounter on their way to adulthood. The focus of the video content is on the topics of adulting, life hacks and „your rights“.

For the launch of the channel, an Intro video was published, as well as a video on the topic "Is my teacher allowed to check my cell phone?". In addition to TikTok, the content is also posted on an Instagram channel, a YouTube channel and Spotlight by Snapchat.

A project page with information for multipliers and an email address for external inquiries (social@jugendinfo.at) has been set up.


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