Ljubljana Network of Info Points has issued a good practice booklet


Ljubljana Network of Info Points has issued a good practice booklet


As the coronavirus pandemic hit the world in the past year, we have witnessed the importance of good quality information more than ever. Young people have found themselves in difficult positions. They had to interact with the outside world exclusively through online channels and platforms, making it even harder to process the information load brought to them daily. Youth information centres also had to adapt to the situation and find new ways to make youth services available and reliable for young people in need. 

One way to learn, inspire and help each other is by sharing the knowledge and experience that we gained throughout the years. That’s why we decided to publish the booklet Examples of good practices in the field of youth information work in Slovenia (Zbornik Primeri dobrih praks s področja informiranja mladih v Sloveniji) with a selection of the best practices in the field of youth information implemented by different organisations in Slovenia. The booklet also contains a short reflection on why youth information is a crucial part of youth work and an overview of the key organisations offering youth information services in Slovenia.

The booklet Examples of good practices in the field of youth information work in Slovenia (Zbornik Primeri dobrih praks s področja informiranja mladih v Sloveniji)  was published by the Ljubljana Network of Info Points - L’MIT and is available here (in Slovene), with the foreword of ERYICA President Jaana Fedotoff. We hope you will find it useful!

For more information about the L’MIT Network, visit our website: www.lmit.org 

Ongoing activities are also published on our FB and IG accounts. 


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