Looking for some training in media and information literacy?


Looking for some training in media and information literacy?


SMaRT-EU’s Social Media Resilience b-learning course is up and running. Join us and learn how to teach both young and seniors to fight disinformation and fake news on social media.

The course, divided into five modules, targets educators, youth workers and intermediaries willing to deepen their knowledge on misinformation, fake news, algorithms or pedagogic attitudes. The course, free of access, is designed to allow participants to follow it at their own pace, as they can enrol in the module that best fits their needs and interests. 

The content of the course relies on many of the other outputs and lessons learned from the SMaRT-EU project, as well as the experience and knowledge of all partner organisations. For example, the workshops and focus groups that were conducted with educators, youngsters and seniors. You can also find some of the products developed during the course project: booklets on fact-checking, expert interviews, and a repository of existing tools.

The five modules comprise the following points:

  • “Introduction”, where we briefly describe the topics covered in the course, how it works, and which partners created it.

  • “What is fake news and why do people believe it” where we explain some theoretical concepts on fake news, and equally as important we explain why people believe the news that is not trustworthy. We also put the participants to work and suggest a discussion activity they can do with the public with whom they work.

  • “What is the role of social media” where we dive into the mechanisms behind search engines and social media platforms. We also challenge the participants to try some things for themselves.

  • “Different approaches for different groups” where we discuss points of attention when working with elderly people or youngsters or intergenerationally.

  • “Our own power and responsibility” where we emphasise that every one of us can have an impact and play a role in this story.

The SMaRT-EU (Social Media Resilience Toolkit) is a one-year intergenerational project funded by the Media Literacy for all Programme of the European Commission. It aims to provide tools, tips and resources to train young people, digital immigrants (+50) and also the intermediaries who work with them on media and information literacy.

You can access the course at this link


Meet Forum for ungdomsinformasjon I Norge!


2022, the European Year of the Youth