Meet TikTok's European Safety Advisory Council


Meet TikTok's European Safety Advisory Council


Millions of Europeans come to TikTok every day to find entertainment, education, and fun. TikTok’s team continually works to make the app a place where everyone can express themselves creatively. But they know that for self-expression to flourish, our community needs to feel safe.

Safety is the bedrock of TikTok’s diverse, creative community, which is why their work in this space is never done. They constantly review their existing features and policies and innovate to take bold new measures to prioritise safety. Meet their latest initiative in this area: TikTok's Safety Advisory Council for Europe!

The Council will bring together leaders from academia and civil society from all around Europe. Each member brings a different, fresh perspective on the challenges we face, and members will provide subject matter expertise as they advise on their content moderation policies and practices. Not only will they support TikTok in developing forward-looking policies that address the challenges we face today, but they will also help them to identify emerging issues that affect TikTok and our community in the future.
New members from more countries and different areas of expertise will be added in the future.

On behalf of ERYICA, we would like to congratulate Ian Power, CEO of, ERYICA Affiliated organisation, for being one of the nine members of the Council. We are sure that the principles and interest of youth information will be well represented in it.

Check the Council members’ profile here.


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