Mental health – more than just a trend!


Mental health – more than just a trend!

Mental health shouldn’t just be a catchy term – just like physical health. It’s part of everyone’s life. Therefore, it should be considered more in the health care system, working/school life and education. The JugendService, the youth information centre in Upper Austria, therefore offers different brochures, workshops and (online) counselling to support adolescents and young adults on different levels when it comes to mental health.

For instance, our brochures address general health issues (e.g. nutrition, exercise, sleep hygiene). Additionally, there are brochures and fan folds concerning mental health. They address various coping strategies for anxiety & worry, stress, and self-harming behaviour. 

It is also worth mentioning that we offer information material about eating disorders. These materials are helpful for adolescents and parents, other relatives, institutions, and multipliers. 

Our homepage,, offers information about mental health. Further counselling is listed there. We also offer online counselling, where young people can write anonymously about their issues. 

We have also created a (preventive) mental health workshop for adolescents (starting from 9th grade). There, topics such as dealing with unpleasant feelings and stress, how to get (professional) help, etc., will be discussed. In this workshop, we also work with our ‘Kraftbuch’ – a booklet with different tools to strengthen one’s resilience playfully. 

All our brochures can be ordered free of charge at

It’s important to mention: Mental health is a matter which affects everyone, so everyone should be able to know some tools to care for themselves or to help someone else. 

Finally, talking about mental health should be standard – and a part of growing up.

Mental health – more than just a trend!

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