‘Mind the Gap’ in Malta and Gozo


‘Mind the Gap’ in Malta and Gozo


‘Mind the Gap’ was a campaign which hosted a good number of young people on different days throughout 2019. The young people came from Higher Education Institutions in Malta and Gozo, and the campaign provided an experiential experience to ensure a better understanding of the benefits and opportunities of learning mobility.

 ‘Mind the Gap’ kicked off with a train tour around 3 cities. During the train tour, young people had the opportunity to learn more about the Maltese culture as they went past several historical sites. Following the train tour, the participants visited Agenzija Zghazagh’s South Regional Centre situated in Birgu. During this visit, the young participants had the chance to participate in workshops facilitated by Eurodesk MT and the European Union Programmes Agency (EUPA).

The workshop promoted learning mobility opportunities, both on a national and European level, covering internships, studying and working abroad, as well as volunteering. Whilst participating in a series of activities, young people were given reliable information on learning mobility and explored the ‘Eurodesk Opportunity Finder’ tool – a step forward for them to grow into active and independent citizens. Learning mobility experiences enable young people to acquire essential competences that contribute to their personal and socio-educational development and foster their active participation in society, thereby improving their employment prospects.


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