Youth information mini-training in Saaremaa, Estonia


Youth information mini-training in Saaremaa, Estonia

ERYICA youth information trainers Kadri Koort and Kaie Pranno were invited by Saaremaa municipality to run a mini-training for the youth work community. As a result of the training day, the network agreed on activities that support the quality and availability of youth information.

The aim of the training was to harmonise the knowledge of both experienced and newly started employees about youth information, to identify the main development needs, and to prepare the first steps to support the availability and quality of youth information. Before the training day, all participants informed the trainers of their expectations and what they saw as the greatest need for development.

More than 20 members of the youth work network took part in the training, and employees of the neighbouring island of Muhu were also invited to participate. The participants were leaders of youth centres, youth workers of youth centres, interest leaders of schools, municipality youth work specialists, youth welfare specialists, and others. The training day was very interesting, we also used the competency model of the youth information worker and mapped what and how is distributed to young people. The biggest and most important discussion was on the topic of development needs and opportunities concerning all youth information.

Fun fact! Saaremaa is the biggest island in Estonia, its population is 32,092!

Kadri Koort 
Head of Youth Information Area
Youth Programmes
Department of Youth Affairs and Internationalisation
Education and Youth Board of Estonia


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