#SERJOVEMEMCASA | Being young at home - IPDJ


#SERJOVEMEMCASA | Being young at home - IPDJ


#SERJOVEMEMCASA is a campaign to encourage and promote online projects by and for young people during the confinement period.

In a context in which thousands of young people were at home, the time spent in confinement did not have to be deprived of a set of incentives, namely concerning the active search for information, critical thinking, and the acquisition of skills and enriching active citizenship experiences..

The campaign lasted until the end of July 2020 and took place on the various IPDJ platforms: on the new portal and social media (Instagram and Facebook). A wide range of information was available daily to young people, as well as initiatives and activities that could enrich their free time. On the first day, the IPDJ shared content about the European Youth Information Day, various IPDJ programmes, along with some videos and the calendar of webinars.

There was also a set of activities: workshops, webinars and information-sharing moments for young people that met their interests and motivations, such as workshops related to the arts, content creation or even on green living. Debates took place on issues that have an impact on the youth; the subject of online safety and digital citizenship and youth rights, among many others, were addressed.

The campaign counted on the participation and massive commitment from the entire youth associative framework.  Several associations from all over the country joined the initiative. They made their activities available at the national level, making it a diversified and successful campaign in the content that is presented.

Also featured content aimed at youth workers, including a webinar on preventing violent radicalisation of young people and the IPDJ provided useful information regarding its programmes and their adaptability in times of pandemic.

Find out more: Facebook https://www.facebook.com/serjovememcasa/  Instagram https://www.instagram.com/serjovememcasa/


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