Stop Porn. Young people and prevention of pornography consumption - Spain


Stop Porn. Young people and prevention of pornography consumption - Spain

This campaign is presented as a municipal programme of citizen services that aim to prevent individual and collective impulsive pornography consumption by teenagers The goal is to avoid behaviours harmful to personal and community development, which represent a risk factor for coexistence.

We started the project in the 2021/2022 academic year and, given the good reception, continued in the 2022/2023 academic year and will resume it again in the 2023/2024 academic year.

The central axes of the project are the three information sessions per classroom that we deliver in the municipality's schools within the framework of affective sexual education, together with the development of awareness-raising actions ("And you, how do you make out?") with groups at  El Rompeolas youth centre.

During the 2021/2022 academic year, a Conference on Minors and Pornography and a webinar for families were scheduled: "Minors and pornography: an explosive mix." You can see more here

We have collaborated in this project with  Fundación Anar, the Official College of Psychology of Madrid, Save de Children, the Research Group from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos FERSE,  and Dale una vuelta.

 In the 2022/2023 academic year, the intervention was maintained in schools and the workshops with groups in El Rompeolas youth centre, a session is scheduled for families: "What if it's my child? What can I do to deal with it?". Check out more here

In the recently started 2023/2024 academic year, in addition to the activities in schools and with groups in El Rompeolas, we will organise an activity with families and invite the film director Mabel Lozano to present some of her films.


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