Welcome on board Eurodesk Italy!


Welcome on board Eurodesk Italy!


ERYICA is very happy to announce that Eurodesk Italy has joined the network! 

The Eurodesk Italy national network has been active since 1997. The Italian structure of the Eurodesk European network is managed by a non-profit body governed by public law (EU Directive 24/2014). It works in cooperation with the Italian Erasmus+ National Agencies and with the ministerial, regional and local authorities responsible for European and youth policies.

In 1999 the Italian national network of Local Relays was born. The network has expanded over the years by connecting different types of services and projects (youth information centres, employment centres, European information services, etc.) activated by both public and private entities at local level.

All the network’s members co-finance the Italian structure of Eurodesk with an annual membership fee and undertake, through a partnership agreement, to activate a free information/guidance service.

All of the network’s members receive initial and continuous training sessions (both on and offline); they are provided with a number of tools and services to perform local activities supporting learning mobility, active citizenship and participation in European youth programmes and for those who work with/for young people.

On 30.04.2020, the Italian Eurodesk National Network is made up of about 80 Local Relays present in 17 regions.

Based on the long-lasting experience of Italy in youth information, being the Italian partner of the ERYICA network will give Eurodesk Italy a chance to enhance both the quality and the number of services offered locally and regionally for the information and counselling of young people.

One of our first goals will be to promote the adoption of the European Youth Information Charter, to match the Italian information/counselling standards with the professional principles and guidelines for youth information and counselling work fostered by ERYICA.

Through a bottom-up approach that will involve key people in the Italian youth information/counselling sector, we aim to design a plan to spread all ERYICA opportunities at local level, to increase Italian presence in European activities.


#EYID2020- our contribution for a better planet


We hope that the climate goals are not forgotten!