ERYICA YINTRO training in the Balearic Islands


ERYICA YINTRO training in the Balearic Islands


Last February, an ERYICA YINTRO course in hybrid format was organised by IBJOVE in collaboration with the Catalan Youth Agency in Palma de Mallorca (Balearic Islands), as part of the work of the Ibero-Insular Working Group of ERYICA.

The course was attended by 20 youth workers from Mallorca, Menorca, Catalonia and  Andorra and took place on 14-16 February face-to-face and on 21-23 February online. The trainers were Gloria Mor from the Catalan Youth Agency and Marc Sampé from the Regional Council of Terra Alta, both accredited ERYICA trainers.

The YINTRO course is ERYICA’s training module for new workers in the professional field of youth information. The face-to-face content included the principles, structures and organisation of youth information as well as the professionals' profiles, values and skills.

The first online session, by the pedagogue Cesk Gasulla, was dedicated to designing products and methods of communication in youth information: social media, abuse of screens and how to make positive use of the presence of young people in the digital environment.

The course's second and last online sessions consisted of giving participants tools to evaluate the quality of services, analyse who they relate to and give them tools for networking, as well as self-evaluation and course evaluation.

The participants appreciated ERYICA's training methodology, cooperative work, energising and "learning by doing". They were also very happy with everything they learned, the resources for their day-to-day work and the opportunity to share the reality of other territories and exchange experiences.


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