The youth information event focused on the creativity and self-development


The youth information event focused on the creativity and self-development 


The Education and Youth Board of Estonia and the Youth Information brand Teeviit organised a national-level youth info event, "Everyone is creative". The event focused on creativity and self-development and was held on 7-13 November 2022 all over Estonia. 

As time passes, it is becoming increasingly important to provide assistance to young individuals in areas that pique their interests and address their needs. Self-improvement has emerged as a particularly popular field, as evidenced by its prevalence in contemporary society. Creativity and innovative solutions have also become essential in sectors such as technology. Against this backdrop, the event prioritised supporting young people by exploring how they can cater to their needs and interests to foster self-development and how to leverage creativity to do so.

During the week, more than 170 events took place all over Estonia, both face-to-face and online, organised by youth work institutions, schools, hobby schools, and youth organisations. They were aimed at both young people and youth workers. 

The signature event of the week by Teeviit took place online. It was a live broadcast where experts and influencers talked about their life, education, career, and creativity. During the week, Teeviit published videos and podcasts and ran the campaign using the BeReal app.

Education and Youth Board of Estonia
Youth information brand Teeviit
Contact person Kadri Koort, 



Proud spaces - European Youth Work Survey


Youth Information Service Design Toolkit