+ Projects
Past Projects
Training of trainers
Project dates
September 2019 - June 2021
Financed by
Erasmus+ KA1
ERYICA (Luxembourg), Zajednica Informativnih Centara Zamlade u Hrvatskoj (Croatia), Solna Youth Center (Sweden), IPDJ (Portugal), ENTK (Estonia), ACJ (Spain), OSRS (Bosnia and Herzegovina), ONEK (Cyprus), CRIJ Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (France), Dirección General de Juventud y Deportes de Madrid (Spain), Institut Valencià de la Joventut (Spain), Agence Nationale pour l'Information des Jeunes (Luxembourg), MISSS (Slovenia), IAJ (Spain)
The ERYICAcademy project is a training course that consists of two residential courses of 3 and 4 working days and two eLearning phases of 6 and 8 weeks, spread over a period of 6 months. The longer eLearning phases ensured deep processing of the material, while the face-to-face activities provided hands on experience, professional cooperation and personal guidance for participants. The cycle used eLearning technology to optimise funds and minimise participants’ absence from their everyday work.
The main aims of this initiative were to increase the number of trainers who are certified to deliver youth information training courses, increase the number of different courses one trainer can deliver, increase the training offer for youth information workers and to facilitate access to professional training courses in the field of youth information and counselling. All of these objectives target the increased professionalism of youth information workers for the sake of higher quality services for young people.
Once completing the course, the trainer became confident in the content and delivery of the following 8 courses:
YIntro – Stepping into Youth Information
Digital YIntro
Digital YIntro eLearning course
Advanced YIntro
Youth Information Mediator (JIMMY)
Youth Information Mediator (JIMMY) eLearning course
Youth on the Move – InfoMobility (YoMIM)
Youth on the Move – InfoMobility (YoMIM) eLearning course