How can youth information services support young refugees? - 2nd Online Café
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How can youth information services support young refugees?
Online Café
29 April, 10:00- 12:30 CET
Online open discussion on Zoom
Irena Mikulic, ERYICA trainer - PRONI Croatia
In the framework of the partnership between ERYICA and the Council of Europe, we would like to open a discussion with young refugees and youth information providers to better understand their situation and needs, especially in terms of information and counselling. Youth information services can play an essential role in their lives and integration within local communities. Still, to do so, we first need to understand their situation and specific needs.
The session will take the form of an informal discussion open to youth information workers, youth workers, young people and anybody willing to understand better and improve the situation of young refugees in Europe.
Firstly, Mariana Sorochuk, a young activist from Ukraine, will share some insights about the lives of young people in a refugee camp. What is their profile, and how are they organised? What are their interests, and what kind of information and support would make a difference?
Secondly, we will explore good practices in providing adapted youth information support for young refugees and the role that ERYICA and European stakeholders can play in equipping youth information workers to assist this vulnerable group.
The final part of the session will focus on Q&A, discussion and brainstorming.
Opening and welcome from ERYICA
Tour de table
Input from Mariana Sorochuk, Young Activist from Ukraine
Inspiring initiatives from Croatia and Estonia
Open discussion
Ideas for follow up