3rd European Youth Work Convention


3rd European Youth Work Convention


The 3rd European Youth Work Convention will take place on 7-10 December 2020, in the framework of the German EU Council Presidency and the German Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. The German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth will host it. JUGEND für Europa, the National Agency for the EU programmes Erasmus+ Youth in Action and European Solidarity Corps, is its partner in organising and developing the content of the event. Due to the current COVID-19 restrictions on travelling, it will be an online event this time.

The 3rd EYWC will play a crucial role in establishing this European Youth Work Agenda as a strategic European framework for further developing and strengthening youth work practice and policies and shaping youth work development across Europe. The event will bring together the youth work community of practice in Europe to be inspired by keynote speeches, workshops, plenary discussions and much more to look at the current challenges and needs of youth work and discuss the framework conditions of quality youth work in Europe. It will provide information about the EYWA, shape the content of the EYWA, develop recommendations for the implementation of the EYWA in the coming years, create ideas for activities within the implementation of the EYWA, and launch national processes and measures. It will also enable and exploit synergies between all stakeholders and levels involved, and create commitment, ownership and cooperation.

ERYICA is part of the European steering group that works as an advisory board and accompanies the preparation of the Convention. The group consists of experts from the fields of youth work and youth policy. It has met at crucial stages during the planning the event to support its development.

The delegations of participants from each country will be selected at national level. Special attention will be paid to their role as multipliers regarding the implementation of the European Youth Work Agenda beyond the end of the Convention and to their personal motivation.

For more information, get in touch with the project team of the 3rd European Youth Work Convention at JUGEND für Europa at convention@jfemail.de 

You can also check the EYWC website: www.eywc2020.eu


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