UNESCO Global MIL Week 2020


UNESCO Global MIL Week 2020


ERYICA is part of the International Organising Committee of the UNESCO Global MIL Week 2020, which will take place on 24-31 October under the theme “Resisting the Disinfodemic: Media and Information Literacy for and by everyone”. This edition will highlight how we can address disinformation and divides by recognising our shared interest in improving everyone’s competencies to engage with the opportunities and risks in today’s landscape of communication, technology, and information. 

In this way, MIL – along with Global Citizenship Education - can help progress towards the SDGs by equipping citizens with the knowledge, skills, values, and practices to be engaged as critical-thinking citizens in societies. These competencies can empower citizens for involvement in media development, access to information and knowledge for all, and freedom of expression, which all have implications on how the war against disinformation can be won. 

Against this backdrop, Global MIL Week 2020 draws attention to how stakeholders can foster - through MIL - the free flow of information and ideas while addressing disinformation and the knowledge needed to resist divisions and build rights-respecting society unity and cohesion. These are all being upended by the scale of disinformation that is a driver of the COVID-19 pandemic and its disastrous impacts: i.e., the current “disinfodemic”. 

MIL stakeholders around the world will be mobilised to organise and register online events or activities related to MIL in their community, city, or region, taking place around the period of Global MIL Week in September/October/November 2020. 

Registered events will be showcased on the Global MIL Week official website. Notable events will be highlighted and promoted through UNESCO’s press releases and newsletters. This is a great opportunity to give global visibility to your youth information activities and events this autumn! What are you waiting for? Associate your YI and MIL initiatives to the Global MIL Week 2020 by registering them here.

Take part in the MIL Week by sharing the ERYICA social media campaign to address the importance of youth information services in the process of acquisition of MIL by youth and joining the webinar on youth information and  MIL that ERYICA will organise during the MIL Week. You can find more info about the Global MIL week 2020 here


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