4th Career Academy: "Launching your future"


4th Career Academy:

"Launching your future"


One of the most important events that Youth Information Centers of the Youth Board of Cyprus implement every year is the Career Academy! This year the Career Academy was carried out in the town of Larnaca from 18th to 19th March 2022.

During the two-day event, the participants, among which were university students, job seekers and young professionals, had the opportunity to obtain comprehensive information on empowerment and career development through a series of presentations and interactive workshops. Academics, career consultants and counsellors, human resource experts and entrepreneurs gave inspirational speeches, specialised lectures, and carried out workshops, all related to job seeking, new skills, self-confidence, and other aspects related to one’s career building.

The participants were a vibrant and enthusiastic group of more than 80 young people. They had the chance to actively participate in a wide range of topics, such as CV design, LinkedIn profiles, tips for a successful job interview, teamwork, communication, problem-solving skills, presentation skills, entrepreneurship and innovation, self-awareness, confidence development, etc. It was amazing that they had the chance to exchange good practices, network, develop on a personal/professional level and much more.

Upon successful completion of the Career Academy, a certificate of attendance was given to all participants. The feedback received upon completion of the event was quite positive, giving us the motivation to plan ahead for next year’s Career Academy!


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