Words Have Meaning – a handbook to sexual violence language against children


Words Have Meaning

a handbook to sexual violence language against children


The Barnahus project coordinated by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) and Koordinaatti has jointly published a terminology handbook that explains the language of sexual violence against children. The manual is broadly directed toward professionals and volunteers working with children and youth. The terminology handbook has been written by Maria Rossi, a detective sergeant who acted as an expert police officer in the Barnahus project, as well as Mika Pietilä, Senior advisor at Koordinaatti, together with Merja-Maaria Oinas, Planning Officer.

Common concepts are important

The terminology linked with child sexual abuse is not unambiguous. Varying concepts are applied in various situations. When referring to sexual grooming, harassment and sexual violence against children, it is important to use the correct terminology that respects the child's rights. The concepts and terms used for sexual acts against children in the digital environment are highly significant. It is important to ensure that all actors understand each other and that they grasp, above all, what is being talked about. The authorities are committed to using terminology that is respectful to the child. The terms and concepts used in criminal proceedings are determined by law. Professionals, specialists and, more broadly, the media have the possibility to select the words they use in various circumstances.  In particular, the terms employed by multiple officials are listened to, and their use can convey a message.

A glossary provides clarification

The need to clarify the terminology used in Finland has been identified in, for example, the Barnahus project and in the implementation of the National Youth Work and Policy Programme. In addition to the glossary of terms concerning violence, the terminology handbook now published defines the concepts of child sexual abuse, particularly the increasingly common online acts. Recommendations in Finnish are also provided for the use of terms describing concepts. The final chapter of the terminology handbook offers guidance for implementing the terms and addressing child sexual abuse in various organisations.

For more information, contact Mika Pietilä, mika.pietila@ouka.fi, tel. +358 44 7038216.

Long news can be found on Koordinaatti’s website:



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