And the winner ideas of the Consumer Change Challenge are...


And the winner ideas of the Consumer Change Challenge are...


At the beginning of 2020, ERYICA partnered with Ecorys to support the European Commission, DG Justice and Consumers, in the launch of a competition to gather ideas for four educational videos for consumers. Winning ideas were expected to be used as the basis to produce four 60-second videos aiming to empower consumers to make better-informed choices on the topics of financial literacy, internet safety, data protection and sustainable consumption.

A total of over 90 entries were received.  The winning organisations were:

  • Internet Safety: Education and Youth Authority of Estonia with the storyline ‘One click can change everything’

  • Data Protection: COFACE Families Europe with the storyline ‘Keep your data under control’

In the past months, two task force groups were created to evaluate the ideas submitted as well as the final videos. The videos, produced by the BBC, will be translated into 25 languages and promoted extensively through various channels in 29 countries (EU27, Iceland, Norway). The English version will be available by the end of the year while the rest of the translations will be disseminated from March-May.

We want to thank all the organisations that took part in the competition and submitted their creative proposals. We are so happy to see that one ERYICA member organisation, the Education and Youth Authority of Estonia, produced one of the awarded ideas. We are looking forward to seeing the final result!


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What is yet to be done on Media and Information Literacy