What is yet to be done on Media and Information Literacy


What is yet to be done on Media and Information Literacy


The UNESCO Global MIL Week 2020 took place from 26 to 30 October. This year’s topic, “Resisting Disinfodemic: Media and Information Literacy for everyone and by everyone” highlighted how we could better address disinformation and divides by improving everyone’s competencies to engage with the opportunities and risks in today’s landscape of communication, technology, and information.

The whole programme took place online, and ERYICA organised a webinar on the role of MIL in formal and non-formal education, including youth information. The keynote speech was provided by Alexander Sayad, an expert in the fields of education, culture and media, and international Co-Chairman of the Global Alliance for Partnership on Media and Information Literacy (GAPMIL).

ERYICA was also invited to speak at the “Participation in society by media and information literate youth in the face of disinformation” session, which was part of the plenary programme organised by UNESCO. Imre Simon, Development Manager talked about the role of ERYICA and the importance of youth information, with a specific focus on media and information literacy.

The Global MIL Week gathered together different stakeholders from different parts of the world, all united by the interest in fighting disinformation and fostering media and information literacy. During the Global MIL Week, the Feature Conference and Youth Agenda produced as a result of the deliberations the Seoul Declaration on Media and Information Literacy for Everyone and by Everyone: A Defence against Disinfodemics.

Through the Seoul Declaration, partners and participants called for media and information literacy for all. ERYICA particularly welcomes the inclusion of youth information services, as recommendation nr. 10 calls for governments to "Enhance cooperation between different government ministries, [...] youth information services and research institutions in order to promote greater awareness and recognition of MIL.”


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