Campaign to reinforce self-image of youth in the covid-19 era


Campaign to reinforce self-image of youth in the covid-19 era


In June 2020, after easing the lockdown, staff working with teenagers and youth identified an intensive campaign to discredit the attitude of teenagers in conventional media as well as in social media. This reached the public at large, becoming widespread and so prevalent that no one was oblivious to this view, which blamed youth for their way of acting during the pandemic and their flouting of the security measures that had been established.

Indeed, there are teenagers making mistakes and doing things incorrectly, putting themselves and the rest of the population at risk, showing very little maturity and empathy.

However, practising the same empathy demanded of youth, the Youth Service understands how all the teenagers who are doing things right must be feeling despite the challenging situation we are all experiencing. In our opinion, while they aren’t the most vulnerable population, young people are more disadvantaged, and during this period, they were probably the most overlooked group of all. At a point in their lives when socialising with peers is most necessary, they have no classes, no recreational opportunities, they cannot go out. They were the first to experience isolation and the last to come out of it.


We have heard how children have been publicly praised for enduring this challenge, but this has not been the case with young people. They have just received messages of reproach, and no answers to their situation of uncertainty and insecurity in terms of their studies and their future careers.

For all these reasons, we thought it was our duty to counteract this situation. The Youth Information Service has been informing, supporting, and counselling young people as we always do. We also had to implement initiatives that would promote youth, to show them as they are, what they do and everything they contribute to society. Also, we had to implement measures where these young people, who are fighting for their future, would understand they are seen and taken into account.


To reinforce and improve the self-image of young people and how the general public sees them.


1. Making necessary actions by young people visible.

2. Reinforcing positive attitudes of and towards young people.

3. Improving the image of youth among the general population.


Generating a social media campaign (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) with posts once a week, generally, Mondays, from the end of August 2020, using the hashtag #elpoderdelajuventud (#thepowerofyouth), to share and highlight news about young people that generate a positive image.




It is too soon to analyse the impact of the campaign, its repercussion on each social media platform, its acceptance and outreach. Still, it would be ideal for to bringing other resources into the campaign and making it viral so it could accomplish its goal.

More Information:

Salvi Miranda Ledesma

Conchi Calvo Sendín

Youth information tool

Facebook, Instagram and Twitter



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