ERYICA 33 GA- Thanks for taking part!


ERYICA 33 GA- Thanks for taking part!


The 33rd General Assembly of ERYICA took place in Barcelona last month, from 11 to 13 May 2022, with the attendance of 84 participants from 20 European countries. The National Youth Emancipation Network in Catalonia is delighted with the results, the atmosphere and the opportunity to regain the presence of these spaces for exchange and growth of the Network. 

We would like to congratulate the new elected Governing Board and show our appreciation to Pep Moliné, International Relations Director of the Catalan Youth Agency, who ended his mandate as ERYICA Vice-president after six years. In Catalonia, together with the XNEJ, we will continue participating in projects, training activities, and joint actions with ERYICA members, especially with the Ibero-insular working group, which has seen a significant enlargement in the last few years.

Apart from the statutory matters of the Assembly, the presentations, experiences and debates, we take home the reinforced idea that we live in a society that, despite being hyper-connected, suffers from a severe problem of misinformation. Youth information services and their work are the basis for enabling young people to exercise their rights, acting freely and informed.

As it was exposed in several moments during the Assembly, there is a great desire to achieve meaningful youth participation in Europe. The Youth Ambassadors network should take the lead on this, and projects such as YinfoPEERS or MedYIa are essential to promote critical participation. We have a new year ahead to see how these projects are implemented and evolve, let’s move on!

Juanjo Sánchez Carrasco

XNEJ technical support team (ACJ)


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