First YIntro in Valencia!


First YIntro in Valencia!


Last March, the first edition of ERYICA’s YIntro course - Stepping into youth information, took place at the Valencian youth network Xarxa Jove. The course was organised by IVAJ (Valencian Youth Institute) and was facilitated by three professionals from the Valencian region trained in the first ToT - ERYICA’s Training of trainers in 2020. In total, 20 professionals from youth departments of several municipalities attended this YIntro edition, being their first formal youth information training for the majority.

The course was carried out in a blended pilot edition, with two online and two face-to-face parts, taking place on two different days in Valencia and Castellón. This face-to-face phase has been highly enriching and motivating after several years of pandemic, in which the relationship between youth professionals was primarily virtual. 

In the course, we approached the background and principles of youth information, reviewing the history of the development of the youth information field in the Region of Valencia; as well as the European Youth Information Charter, the quality criteria for youth information services and how to guarantee them in our daily work; the youth information needs and the different ways and tools to provide youth information, the 6-phase model for youth counselling and information and the necessary professional skills; and principles and tools for planning, monitoring and evaluating youth information work.

The field of youth information has historically been very important in our territory, so we are highly pleased to resume training on quality youth information work- which is so necessary for the digital era- in cooperation with ERYICA, the different European agencies and the network of ERYICA professionals. 

We’ll keep on working and increasing our training activities to offer our young people quality and professional youth information services with high ethical standards.


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ERYICA 33 GA- Thanks for taking part!