Flash Eurobarometer | European Parliament Youth Survey


Flash Eurobarometer |

European Parliament Youth Survey


The public opinion survey, conducted in June 2021 and published in late September this year, gathered insights from more than 18,000 young people from 16 to 30 years old regarding their attitudes and behaviours in respect of politics, political engagement and the EU.

Among the key findings, it is worth highlighting that 9 out of 10 young people discuss politics with friends and family despite popular belief. However, the vast majority of young people do not think that they have much, or any, say over important decisions, laws and policies affecting them. A statement that was also reflected in the European Year of Youth 2022 survey.  

It is worth noting that, although 62% of young people are in favour of the EU, 21% remain sceptical. This percentage believes that their opinion would change if radical reforms were introduced within the EU. Moreover, 31% of respondents mentioned that their image of the EU has gotten worse over the last year.

European Union’s issues may seem far and hard to understand for most young people. This is why youth information services are key in helping them get informed and building their critical mindset.

Learn more about the Eurobarometer here


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