IJ Stats 2022: A glance at users of the French Youth Information Network


IJ Stats 2022: A glance at users of the French Youth Information Network


Created by CIDJ, IJ Stats is available to all 1 150 centres which hold the French Youth Information label.
In 2022, the number of users recorded on IJ Stats reached 1 187 795. 

  • Back to normal after two years of health crisis

The number of collective actions offered by YICs to young people has risen sharply after two years of strict restrictions on group activities. Young users prefer face-to-face, human and individual contact. 

  • More jobseekers 

The Youth Information network targets all young people, whatever their situation. However, in 2022, it attracted fewer students (-4.5pts) and more jobseekers (+5pts) compared to 2021. 
66% of users are between 15 and 26 years old, and the proportion of over 30s continues to decrease (-7pts in 4 years).

  • Strong success of individual interviews

63% of users (excluding group activities) seek a one-to-one consultation. The self-access document areas are less and less frequented and are being transformed into co-working areas to adapt to young people’s practice.

  • More robust demand for administrative issues

In 2022, requests for help with administrative procedures were among the top three needs expressed between access to employment and guidance. This development raises questions among some professionals, who warn of the risk of becoming "public writers".

  • Group activities come first

The number of group activities organised by YICs rose sharply in 2022 (+56%). The number of actions "outside the centres" outnumbered those organised on the YIC premises (53%). This trend reflects the YI network's willingness and ability to 'reach out'.
The majority of off-site activities take place in schools, which demonstrates the complementary of formal education and non-formal education.

CIDJ IJ Stats 2022: A glance at users of the French Youth Information Network

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