In 2021, youth information #mindmymind


In 2021, youth information #mindmymind


On 17th April, ERYICA, together with our members, will celebrate the European Youth Information Day all over Europe. 

The EYID slogan proposed for 2021 is the following: 


Discover your inner self. Speak up.

The campaign aims to encourage young people to exteriorise their emotions, problems and fears, raising awareness of the importance of mental health and emotional well-being among them.

2020 has been a year full of challenges. The entire world was forced to adapt to a new reality in which online gatherings, masks and social distancing became the new normal. Companies changed from face-to-face to teleworking, schools started a digital transformation, and travel appeared to be the last priority in our list. 

Significant changes took place at a frantic pace. Changes that didn’t leave room for adaptation; room to be conscious of the situation and the related consequences, which led to a climate of fear and uncertainty.
Because of the situation, mental health became less of a taboo and more of a recurrent topic of conversations in the professional and private spheres. However, there is still a lot to be done!

Due to this, the EYID 2021 campaign aims to:

  • start a discussion about mental health issues;

  • be a speaker to break with the mental health stigma among young people;

  • normalise the need of asking for emotional well-being support;

  • give voice to young people to express themselves freely;

  • show the professionalism, closeness and experience of youth information workers regarding mental health and well-being support and in providing tools and resources to tackle any concern. 

This campaign is a joint effort between youth information services and young people. The subtitle is a clear call to action for both: 

- Discover your inner self: young people must know that it's OK not to feel fine all the time. They should identify the different emotions they have during the day and discover the best way to get the most out of it. 
- Speak up: youth information services should be a safe space for young people to express themselves freely. A platform to make any question and not feel judged. Youth Information workers must be able to tackle their doubts and requests or advise them where to ask for professional help.

The campaign will run in two phases. The first phase will take place between 14- 31 January and it will be targeted in young people and youth information workers. The second phase will run from 1-18 April, focused on young people. 

Do you want to take part? Check this link for more information and write

Are you a young person or a youth information worker? Take part in the survey!




DesYIgn focus group report - ahora en español e italiano!