Liaisons is now available in 4 languages!


Liaisons is now available in 4 languages!


ERYICA is happy to announce that the manual for the prevention of youth violent extremism through youth information, Liaisons, is now available in Dutch and Azerbaijani thanks to the support of the Flemish National Agency, JINT and the International Organization for Migration Azerbaijan.

Published by the European Youth Information and Counselling Agency (ERYICA), in cooperation with the Council of Europe, and with the support of the Bureau International Jeunesse (Belgium), the project began back in 2015, when the French-speaking members of ERYICA came together to discuss the role of youth information in the prevention of youth violent extremism. 

The manual is first and foremost a practical tool, targeted at those who come into contact with young people, such as youth (information) workers, teachers, social workers or youth organisations. It aims to help them cover complex topics such as identity, diversity, communication with others, media and information literacy, to name but a few. Due to their daily work with young people, youth workers and youth organisations are often the first to identify the risks and warning signs that young people may be at risk of violent extremism. The manual 'Liaisons' contributes to equipping those in contact with a young public with the necessary skills to help young people build up their resilience and critical thinking skills, so as not to become attracted by extremist ideas and violent groups.

You can access the online versions here. Hard copies of Liaisons are now available in the four languages and you can order them here.

The next language versions will be Spanish and Catalan in the very near future. If you are interested in translating Liaisons into your language or in organising a Liaisons training activity, contact the ERYICA Secretariat 


Euryka H2020 project


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