Meic - Supporting the Wellbeing of Children and Young People During The Coronavirus Crisis


Meic - Supporting the Wellbeing of Children and Young People During The Coronavirus Crisis


Meic is a helpline for under 25's in Wales, supporting children and young people since 2010.  Trained advisors are available between 8 am and midnight, every single day, to help children and young people get the help that they need.  Meic can be contacted on the phone (080880 23456), by text message (84001) or through online chat (

Now that lockdown is being eased, the support continues but with the focus shifting back to other issues and not exclusively on COVID-19. However, support and output for COVID-19 will continue for the foreseeable future as information and advice are still being given about the pandemic. 

We will also be there for children and young people as they adjust to the new normal, and to inform, advise and help with any long-term effects the crisis may have had on the health and mental wellbeing of the children and young people of Wales.

To address the needs and concerns of young people, Meic swiftly adapted our content strategy to create regular, simple, consistent and clear content for young people to mitigate the effects of information overload. This also helped to fill in any gaps resulting from reduced face-to-face contact with regular support services. 


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