Obro Feel: Preventing mental health issues in catalonia's youth


Obro Feel: Preventing mental health issues in catalonia's youth

“Obro Feel” is a 24/7 instant messaging service for counselling, emotional support and/or guidance for teenagers and young people experiencing emotional suffering. Guidance is also offered to relatives, friends, and teaching teams for teenagers and young people in times of emotional crisis. The people who attend the chats are called Counsellors.

Obro Feel is a place designed to spot and prevent mental health and other kinds of problems in teenagers and young people. It is an emotional support chat harnessing WhatsApp. Young people aged 14 and over can get free, immediate, and confidential support just by messaging.

Besides delivering emotional support, the chat also spots and prevents some of the most common mental health problems among young people in Catalonia: eating disorders (ED), depression and suicidal ideation and behaviour.

The Obro Feel service is part of the #EsMotiuSuficient (Is reason enough) communication campaign run by the Ministry of Social Rights in coordination with the Ministry of Health in the Government of Catalonia. The purpose of this action is to prevent and detect early on the most common mental disorders among young people in Catalonia. The campaign also furnishes tools to help teenagers and young people enhance their emotional well-being while averting suicidal ideation and behaviour.



Einfachweg.at, the mobility website


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