Online school transition summer programmes


Online school transition summer programmes


What a summer this was for the youth workers at Aġenzija Żgħażagħ! Over 500 young people participated in online school transition programmes targeting those who would be attending a new school in September.  ‘My Next School Adventure’ or ‘Secondary School Survival Kit’ were the two programmes young people could enrol in. 

These programmes aimed to equip young people with skills and abilities that help them in their school journey and gain knowledge about their new schools. The sessions were hosted online, and the youth workers used different digital tools to make these sessions as interactive as possible. Parents commented that they were impressed with the delivery, and their children enjoyed the sessions and always looked forward to the next session. 

Both programmes were stretched over eight sessions of an hour and a half each. Due to the high demand, we had up to 8 groups concurrently, with a total of 38 groups of young people and nine youth workers delivering a total of 304 sessions in 8 weeks.

Towards the end of these sessions, the youth workers said that although they did not meet the young people face to face, they still managed to create a bond with the participants. One of the youth workers emphasised that the young people enjoyed these sessions because they had a space to express their views, share their opinions and discussed issues with the rest of the group freely. 

 In most cases, the young people made new friendships with some exchanging contacts, emails and looking forward to meeting up physically at school. The young people said that these sessions made them feel more prepared and enabled them to learn new things such as different learning styles, how to manage their time and how to be active students at school. Young people also expressed their eagerness to participate in similar initiatives in the coming months.  

For more information:


Liaisons is now available in six languages!


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