Poems from Estonia on environmental issues


Poems from Estonia on environmental issues


At the beginning of summer 2021, Estonian youth information brand Teeviit had an environment thematic poetry contest. It was connected with May's thematic month „Me and the environment“ and led by young volunteer Anette Hermaküla.

An all-Estonian poetry contest was organised by the initiative of the young people. The aim was to encourage young people to think and write about environmental issues, and it was open to young people aged 7-26. The contest was successful, and a collection of poems was published in August 2021.

The poetry contest received 190 poems from all over Estonia, which clearly showed that the environment is an essential topic for youth and underlined their concerns. In addition, a large number of schools participated, highlighting the need for such creative competitions.

The contest was an excellent way to involve and empower young people and enrich their opportunities to participate in youth information work. It is also a good practice to integrate non-formal and informal learning by making young people think critically about environmental issues.

The youth information brand Teeviit has more than 30 volunteers who participate daily in different actions such as social media, content creation, events, etc. 

To get more information about this activity, please contact Kadri Koort kadri.koort@harno.ee.


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