Supporting Young People in Cardiff To Be Creative


Supporting Young People in Cardiff To Be Creative


As part of the Summer of Smiles festival in Cardiff held on the City Hall Lawns from 20 July to 8 August, ProMo-Cymru teamed up with Child Friendly Cardiff to fund young people's artistic work. 

Seven talented local young people aged between 14 -18 each received £300 to create a commissioned piece of art that represented what it means to them to be a young person living in Cardiff. 

On top of that, we also contributed towards the costs of purchasing quality materials and resources for their work. The young people had three weeks to turn their creative ideas into finished products so they could be displayed during the final week of the festival. has been publishing content all about the Summer of Smiles and the talented resident artists if you’d like to find out more. Take a look at their work here:


Poems from Estonia on environmental issues


Summer school holiday program “#sisukasvaheaeg“ highlighted important topics via the web