Say ola to the Xunta de Galicia!


Say ola to the Xunta de Galicia!


Galicia is a region located in northwest Spain. Its government, Xunta de Galicia, coordinates youth policies through the Galician Youth department, Dirección Xeral de Xuventude, Participación e Voluntariado. The Galician Youth department is also competent in participation and volunteering. This entity is part of Consellería de Política Social e Xuventude (Social Politics Ministery), which manages the areas of youth, older people, family and people with disabilities in the region.

This department's primary purpose is to get youngsters' actual participation in society by promoting initiatives which mediate between young people and other age groups. Furthermore, we aim to improve Galician youth's well-being and opportunities by developing actions and programs that benefit them regarding competencies, health and leisure.

Some of our main programs are Xuventude Crea (art contest), Campaña de Verán (camps for teenagers in the summer), Iniciativa Xove (supporting young and fresh ideas in any field), Parlamento Xove (debating program between young people) or Carné Xove (management of European youth card in Galicia).

We coordinate the Youth Information Network (Rede Galega de Información Xuvenil) that aims to reach out to any citizen between 12 and 30 years old. It is integrated by: the Youth Information Service, 240 OMIX (municipal youth information offices, depending on their municipal councils), 12 Espazos Xoves (youth centres), four provincial youth departments, and two local offices which rely directly on Xunta de Galicia.

Despite living in the data age, our youngsters need accurate and relevant information through information channels they actively use. Furthermore, our focus is on two-way communication, which means: we interact with them to get information about what they organize, spread their events and improve our knowledge about young citizens. In this respect, we have an active role on social networks (@xuventudegalicia), where we answer users' questions and spread our programs and actions. In addition, most information and trends identified by our department are available on our website:, where we have published youth-related data since 2009.

To sum up, we look forward to collaborating with other members of ERYICA on programs and initiatives.


Kick-off Meeting YInfoPioneers


Ongi etorri Instituto Navarro de la Juventud!