Ongi etorri Instituto Navarro de la Juventud!


Ongi etorri Instituto Navarro de la Juventud!


As an institutional body of the Navarre's Government in charge of the well-being and promotion of opportunities amongst young people, we would like to express our gratitude for welcoming us to ERYICA. We are thrilled about the prospects this membership offers young people in Navarre and our youth information services. Furthermore, learning about ERYICA members in other countries and regions of Spain supports the development of our youth policies in the right direction. 

Our organisation, Instituto Navarro de la Juventud, is an autonomous body responsible for youth policies attached to Navarre's Government. We are in charge of developing youth services and activities, as we also facilitate young people's full participation in society. 

Our values and objectives aim to promote healthy lifestyles, gender equality, diversity, solidarity and involvement of Navarre's youth in the development of our society. 

The 2020-2023 Regional Youth Strategy underlines how youth information has been and will continue to be the first step towards young people's participation and comprehensive development. It stresses the need to redefine the institutional channels to provide youth information considering the new technologies. 

The European Year of Youth provides a perfect scenario to join ERYICA accompanied by our region's youth sector. 

Joining ERYICA means taking a step forward in youth information. We hope we can offer our young people the resources and opportunities provided by our membership in a European organisation in the field of information and communication. Furthermore, working amongst other members of ERYICA will help us upskill our professionals and offer a better service to our youth.


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