Teens, Social Media and Technology 2022


Teens - Social Media and Technology 2022


The rapid changes in social media trends determine and alter young people’s entertainment and information sources. According to research conducted by Pew Research Center, 67% of American teenagers aged 13-17 use TikTok, with 16% of all of them being constant users. In contrast, only 32% of teens mention they use Facebook, in comparison with 72% in the Center'’ survey in 2014-2015.

YouTube dominates the list of teenagers’ preferences, with 95%. TikTok follows Instagram and Snapchat, contrary to Twitter and Tumblr. Vine and Google+ no longer exist. Youtube and TikTok have high engagement rates. 

Regarding the time spent on social media, most teens (55%) state they spend the right amount of time, 36% admit they spend too much time, and only 8% say they spend a small amount of time. Asked about the idea of giving up, 54% of teens describe it as hard contra 46% say it is somewhat easy. There are also gender and age differences observed. Black and Hispanic teens stand out for being on the internet more frequently than white teens, and older teens spend more time online.

The majority of teenagers are online and have access to digital devices. The rapid increase in smartphone users is indicative. Still, the digital divide between household income and gaming consoles is evident. 97% of teens use the internet daily. 

An interesting fact is, in conclusion, that even though Facebook is losing its dominance among the cohort, teenagers who come from lower and middle-income households gravitate more to Facebook than those from affluent homes.

Read the full report here.


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