Teeviit @ Tik-Tok: sharing quality and reliable information via short videos


Teeviit @ Tik-Tok: sharing quality and reliable information via short videos


Estonian national level web-based youth information service Teeviit decided to join the social platform Tik-Tok to reach young people, support them with quality and reliable information and spread the “Word of different” campaigns, participation opportunities, and various events.  

The decision to join was not so easy as Tik-Tok is full of miscellaneous information and there have been a lot of issues involving young people (e.g. cyber-bullying, fake information, harmful advice, etc). Considering that it is also a quite big challenge to stand out and be visible next to a very large amount of information. However, what is more important is to be attractive, as it is the crucial component for young people to follow a trend. But Teeviit took the risk and started the journey! Teeviit’s TikToker is one of Teeviit volunteers Marieta Lokk.

The channels cover a range of topics, such as mental health and safety, following the info trends and misinformation related to these topics. Teeviit is doing well and has already more than 32,000 likes!

What we have learned so far from this journey is to keep information clear and straightforward, not to use too many different performers, and to use the channel to spread information about campaigns and events!

We encourage youth information providers to try and use trendy channels (if in line with their organisation’s policy) to share quality and reliable info for youth with youth!  

More information 

Kadri Koort

Education and Youth Board of Estonia



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