Welsh Government’s New International Learning Exchange Programme


Welsh Government’s New International Learning Exchange Programme


In February 2022, Wales launched its exciting, new international learning exchange programme – called Taith. The £65 million international learning exchange programme funded by the Welsh Government will mean that Wales and its international partners can continue to benefit from exchanges similar to the opportunities from Erasmus+.   

Taith is Welsh for ‘journey’. It is hoped the programme will create life-changing opportunities for people in Wales to study, train, volunteer and work all over the world while allowing organisations in Wales to invite international partners and learners to do the same here in Wales. The programme will give learners, volunteers and staff of all ages and backgrounds across Wales the chance to benefit from international exchange opportunities. You can find out more about the different funding options here.

The 5-year programme (2022 to 2026) is available to all learners and staff in every type of education, including adult education, further and vocational education, higher education, schools and youth work settings.  The first call for applications will occur in March 2022, and the first exchanges will begin in September 2022.

Youth work organisations in Wales are keen to maintain and build new partnerships with their counterparts in Europe to continue to benefit from the rich exchange of experience and good practice and to support the creation of a myriad of exciting opportunities for our young people to benefit from the often life-changing experience of international exchange. Those interested in developing international exchanges with Welsh youth Work organisations are able to contact helen@cwvys.org.uk  for further information and to be put in touch with the most relevant contact in the Taith programme team.

All information will be posted online: https://www.taith.wales/, and on the following social media channels:



Taith – taking Wales to the world and bringing the world to Wales.


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