What do you stand for?


What do you stand for?


The Youth information Centers of the Youth Board of Cyprus support #STANDFORSOMETHING, a youth engagement campaign coordinated by the European Youth Card Association (EYCA) and funded by the European Parliament. At its helm are 21 European Youth Activists aged between 16-29 years old from 16 EU countries, eager to engage young Europeans in conversations and activities about the Conference on the Future of Europe. One of the 16 partner youth card organizations of the ’’I Stand for’’ Project is the Youth Board of Cyprus. The Cypriot youth activist is Paphos’s Youth Information Center Doxia Mina (as the lead face of the campaign in Cyprus). The campaign was officially launched on 6 May 2021.

With the Conference on the Future of Europe set to conclude in Spring 2022, this campaign will provide decision-makers with a clear view of the priorities valued by young Europeans. By listening to young people, the European Union sets itself the best chance to re-shape itself for the next decades and deliver on the wishes of its citizens.

Doxia Mina, as a young person, cares/stands for the right of all young people to have access to complete, objective, understandable and reliable high-quality information on all their questions and needs. Correct and independent information helps youngsters make choices and deal with problems they face. It promotes their autonomy, the ability to think critically, and at the same time, it renders them active members of society. Information is a powerful right as it makes one aware of their rights. If we do not know our rights, how can we exercise them? This is why Doxia joined the #standforsomething campaign.

The Youth Information Centers of the Youth Board of Cyprus communicated this pan-European campaign to young Cypriots via their activities and encouraged them to participate in the #STANDFORSOMETHING campaign and in the Conference on the Future of Europe – to have their say!

Young people can participate in different ways:

• They can share their ideas with the European Parliament through its platform dedicated to the voice of young Europeans - https://www.youthideas.eu/ . Any young citizen can upload their ideas and/or vote on the ideas of others. The ideas that receive the most votes will be included in the official report of the European Parliament to be shared as part of the CoFoE. (EYCA office will upload the ideas from the outreach events to this platform – via the info shared in the monthly reports from partner countries)

• Each youngster/citizen can make their priorities known on the Conference’s official online platform – https://futureu.europa.eu/ . Citizens can register their ideas, find out about events in their region or register their own events.

• Young Europeans can join the conversation through the We #STANDFORSOMETHING Conversations Facebook group and attend the many events being planned across Europe - http://facebook.com/groups/standforsomething.eu

For more information on the project, the implementing partners and the youth activists, please visit the project website: www.istandfor.eu.

So what do you care about?

Whatever it is, join us and… #StandForSomething


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