Beyond Lockdown: the ‘pandemic scar’ on young people


Beyond Lockdown

the ‘pandemic scar’ on young people


The paper, produced by the European Youth Forum, analyses how the pandemic and lockdown measures have already severely affected young people’s work and income, education and learning, and mental health and wellbeing.


Even if we are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, the scars of the pandemic will remain for a long time, especially for young people. This report from the European Youth Forum examines the deep social, economic, and mental health challenges that young people face as a result of the Covid-19 crisis.


It does not only analyse the impact of the pandemic in Europe, but also the faults in the response of institutions and national governments, demonstrating that further policy measures are now needed to address the long-term consequences of the pandemic on young people’s education, work, and mental health.


The study comprises the analysis of several papers, data and policies released during and after the outbreak of the pandemic and the results of participatory focus groups and interviews

with young people in marginalised situations.


Check the full report here.


What OECD does in the field of youth


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