What Makes Me Happy – The Games Behind the Question


What Makes Me Happy

The Games Behind the Question


It all started with the idea to upgrade the project “What makes me happy”, which has been coordinated by the Ljubljana Network of Info Points (L'MIT) for almost twenty years. It is an open call for young people that collects answers on the question “What makes me happy”. Annually we receive a dozen simple, witty and unusual ideas, from which we choose six that are then illustrated and printed out as colourful postcards. The project grew so much that we thought it is time to give it another shape. The idea of making a youth work game somehow came naturally to us, so we decided to give it a try. We applied for a small grant and in less than a year it was ready for use. 

The game comes in two parts, with forty cards with different illustrations of answers to the question “What makes me happy” and an easy-to-use booklet with game ideas (ice-breakers, energisers, group building activities...). The main purpose, depending on the game youth workers choose, is to encourage sharing, listening and reflecting among young people. The games can also stimulate a positive group atmosphere for cooperation and collaborative learning. 

The game package “What makes me happy” is simple to use and is suitable for young people of different ages. Youth workers can use it as part of trainings, seminars, workshops or other group activities. For now, it is available only in Slovenian but we hope an English version will be provided soon. 

For more information, please visit: www.lmit.org 


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