Young people issue UK


Young people issue UK

wide call for mental health transformation.


Young campaigners across the UK marked Children’s Mental Health Week (1-7 February 2021) with a unified call for a transformation of the mental health system into one that puts young people’s needs at the centre.  

Supported by charities in each of the four nations of the UK, including Hafal and ProMo-Cymru in Wales, hundreds of young people have come together to outline their vision for what mental health services should look like in their communities as part of the Our Minds Our Future project. 

In Wales, Hafal and ProMo-Cymru have gathered the voices of more than 100 young people aged 12–25, expressing their views, wishes and feelings about what they want good quality mental health and wellbeing support to look and feel like. 

We have supported them in putting together a Call To Action to explain what changes they are demanding to see. As professionals and decision-makers, we would like you to support and endorse our Call To Action as a way of bringing about positive changes in your practice, decisions and influence that you have on others. 

The young people’s five demands for improving mental health and emotional wellbeing support are:  

  1. We want a centralised way for 16–25 year-olds to find and access support. 

  2. We want to see services working well together to help us using a holistic approach. 

  3. We want to access face-to-face and online settings that are safe, welcoming, and respectful. 

  4. We want influencers and decision-makers to listen to us, hear our voice and be accountable to us. 

  5. We want to see a minister with a portfolio for children and young people up to the age of 25.

For more information on Our Minds Our Future (Wales) and how you can get involved, visit: 


Empowering young citizens to become better-informed consumers


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