Your Voices - Back to School Covid-19 Survey


Your Voices - Back to School Covid-19 Survey


Meic, the national information, advice and advocacy helpline for children and young people in Wales, noticed an increase in contacts relating to mental health and the lockdown and was keen to capture the voices of young people on this matter.

Children and young people in Wales returned to school in September 2020 after the summer holidays and a period of lockdown from March to July 2020.  We decided to look into the effects of lockdown on children and young people in Wales now that they are back at school.

We wanted to know how they were feeling to understand the issues that they were facing and to ensure that we tailored our service to meet their needs. 

Back in October, a month after they had returned to school, Meic carried out a snapshot survey. We asked a series of 10 questions ranging from how they felt about going back to school after lockdown, what they enjoyed about being back, if they were worried about exams, if they were happy with safety measures at the school etc.

We had many interesting responses and young people had a lot of varying opinions about things. The main thing we learnt was that it wasn't a simple happy or unhappy situation. They felt a range of emotions from happiness, anxiety, anger, depression and more.

Meic is currently producing a report and an accompanying video on the findings of the survey, intending to share this with professionals before Christmas. When ready, the report will be published in the Resources for Professionals section of the Meic website.


What is yet to be done on Media and Information Literacy


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