Youth information vs disinformation: Media under the microscope!


Youth information vs disinformation: Media under the microscope!


The new Erasmus+ KA2 project Youth information vs disinformation: Media under the microscope! (MedYIa), coordinated by Infotreff (Belgium) in close cooperation with ERYICA, is complementary to other projects led by the French-speaking Working Group of ERYICA. The partnership includes: Infotreff, ERYICA, CIDJ Belgium, ANIJ (Luxembourg) and Infor Jeunes Luxembourg (Belgium) as official partners, and Fédération Infor Jeunes Wallonie (Belgium) and CIDJ France as associated partners. . The idea for this project was born during a two-days training session in Paris in 2018 and a Working Group meeting in Luxembourg in 2019, where the French-speaking members of ERYICA gathered and the foundation stone for this 23-months project was laid. 

According to a 2018 research by ERYICA and Abo Academy (6000 surveyed), 50% of young people think that a large proportion of the information they find online is unuseful; more than 50% declare that the information they use is not entirely reliable; around 50% express difficulty in finding out whether the information they have access to is trustworthy. MedYIa was born precisely to respond to young people’s need to access and assess  quality and reliable information.

This project aims to provide youth (information) workers with resources and tools to carry out MIL-related activities with young people and to equip them with the necessary skills to navigate the information they come into contact through different media. MedYIa will focus on the needs of young people and youth information professionals, and build on existing material and resources.. 

Three intellectual outputs will be created during this project. First, a survey on young people’s MIL needs and an Open Dialogue with youth (information) workers; secondly, an interactive online toolbox available in english, french and german; thirdly, a tutorial that will cover some MIL theory, instructions on how to use the toolbox, and tips and resources. The project will start in November 2020 with a kick-off meeting that will take place in Eupen, Belgium.


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